April 2017

  • A young local girl named Matan Suwe. She has a large sore in her mouth that isn't healing which is causing her face to swell. I've been praying with her and her mom and trying to help her with an antibiotic regiment from the local clinic. She also has physical disabilities which makes swallowing her medicine difficult.

Matan Suwe's sore has gone down and she is eating and gaining weight. She still has a long road ahead of her dealing with physical/mental disability that is made more difficult by rough living conditions.

  • For discernment in how to use our time. (visiting, studying, family etc.)

We still are working through the balance of study, family time, community time, etc. Casey knows he needs more discipline in alone, desk-time kind of study. 

  • Valeries homeschooling efforts with two young boys that are prone to push the limits :)

Valerie is getting into a routine and learning to distract Julian with activities while schooling Beckett. Beckett is really enjoying school (most days). 

  • Consistent language help for Casey. It's been difficult to maintain a schedule of language learning with local guys.

This is still a struggle. Time is not a  valued or respected concept. There are a surprising amount of things that compete for people's attention here which makes sitting down with the same language helper multiple days a week, difficult. Please ask the Lord for this kind of committed helper and friend for Casey.

  • Paul, a college student from Austrailia who visited us for a few days on Ambrym to explore the possability of coming help with Bible translation.

Paul came for a few days and is now back in Australia studying. We did our best to give him a tour of the life, culture and beliefs of our friends here. Please ask God's Spirit to continue to guide him (hopefully to Vanuatu :) )