- For our boys to transition well back to Ambrym. This time Beckett is leaving close friends in Port Vila that he just made.
The boys seemed to transition well. He talked about his buddies back in Vila for a while but is now enjoying his friends in the village!
- For our language learning. It's hard and slow work and we need the Lord's help. Also for good language teachers to come alongside of us.
Our language learning is still going slow. Our house repairs have been pretty consuming and not allowed for much "official" language learning. We have tried to pick up small things here and there. Now that most of the repairs are done, we are looking to get some more serious language learning done.
- For Bernard as he communicates what he learned to others at the Culture Meets Scripture workshop. That the Lord would keep working on his heart and mind regarding the truths learned.
I haven't heard anything from Bernard regarding the workshop he was able to attend with me. I don't know what kind of private conversations he's had, but he hasn't done any official teaching in the community. I feel like it may have been an initial investment in him and that we will partner together in the future to organize teaching opportunities.
- For the work to be done on the house this July. We know our attention will be pulled between the house and our language learning and friendship building.
Our attention WAS pulled to the house. There weren't many people to help this time around so I was on the site working every day. Now that it's mostly finished, we have jumped back into community life and are asking God to help us transition our attention and thoughts to the important work ahead of us!