May 2017

  • Casey has been asked to preach this Sunday (June 4) as well as teach at a 3 days "youth conference" for young adults here on Ambrym (June 18-21). Please pray for the Spirit's help as he prepares and for the name of Jesus to be lifted up!

It's not always easy to know how the Lord has chosen to work in the hearts of people through the preaching of his word. We trust that Lord took his word and accomplished what he wanted through it. We look forward to the day we get to share his words in local language instead of in the trade language. Please keep praying as the translation continues.


April 2017

  • A young local girl named Matan Suwe. She has a large sore in her mouth that isn't healing which is causing her face to swell. I've been praying with her and her mom and trying to help her with an antibiotic regiment from the local clinic. She also has physical disabilities which makes swallowing her medicine difficult.

Matan Suwe's sore has gone down and she is eating and gaining weight. She still has a long road ahead of her dealing with physical/mental disability that is made more difficult by rough living conditions.

  • For discernment in how to use our time. (visiting, studying, family etc.)

We still are working through the balance of study, family time, community time, etc. Casey knows he needs more discipline in alone, desk-time kind of study. 

  • Valeries homeschooling efforts with two young boys that are prone to push the limits :)

Valerie is getting into a routine and learning to distract Julian with activities while schooling Beckett. Beckett is really enjoying school (most days). 

  • Consistent language help for Casey. It's been difficult to maintain a schedule of language learning with local guys.

This is still a struggle. Time is not a  valued or respected concept. There are a surprising amount of things that compete for people's attention here which makes sitting down with the same language helper multiple days a week, difficult. Please ask the Lord for this kind of committed helper and friend for Casey.

  • Paul, a college student from Austrailia who visited us for a few days on Ambrym to explore the possability of coming help with Bible translation.

Paul came for a few days and is now back in Australia studying. We did our best to give him a tour of the life, culture and beliefs of our friends here. Please ask God's Spirit to continue to guide him (hopefully to Vanuatu :) ) 

June 2016

  •  For our boys to transition well back to Ambrym. This time Beckett is leaving close friends in Port Vila that he just made.

The boys seemed to transition well. He talked about his buddies back in Vila for a while but is now enjoying his friends in the village!

  • For our language learning. It's hard and slow work and we need the Lord's help. Also for good language teachers to come alongside of us.

Our language learning is still going slow. Our house repairs have been pretty consuming and not allowed for much "official" language learning. We have tried to pick up small things here and there. Now that most of the repairs are done, we are looking to get some more serious language learning done.

  • For Bernard as he communicates what he learned to others at the Culture Meets Scripture workshop. That the Lord would keep working on his heart and mind regarding the truths learned.

I haven't heard anything from Bernard regarding the workshop he was able to attend with me. I don't know what kind of private conversations he's had, but he hasn't done any official teaching in the community. I feel like it may have been an initial investment in him and that we will partner together in the future to organize teaching opportunities.

  • For the work to be done on the house this July. We know our attention will be pulled between the house and our language learning and friendship building.

Our attention WAS pulled to the house. There weren't many people to help this time around so I was on the site working every day. Now that it's mostly finished, we have jumped back into community life and are asking God to help us transition our attention and thoughts to the important work ahead of us!

MAY 2016

  • For our time in Vila to be physically, mentally and spiritually restful.

// While our time in the capital had restful aspects to it, it was still filled with a lot of activity. The last week of preparing has been tiring.

  • For our kids as they transition back to Vila and then again to Ambrym in June.

// The boys did great coming back to Vila. In fact, they enjoyed some new friendships immensely. A new family has just arrived from AU to serve here in Vanuatu. The boys have really taken to their kids and it will be sad for them to say "see ya later" .

  • For the "Gospel Meets Culture" workshop May 30-June 10 to be profoundly transformative for those who attend.

// There was some good discussion generated throughout the workshop. Many men are leaders back in their communities and churches and are excited to engage with their communities about cultural practices and beliefs that are in conflict with God's word. Please pray for these men to grow in their understanding and trust of God's word as they seek to make changes in their community.

  • For Bernard (a man from our Olal community) who will be attending the workshop in Vila with us. 

// This was the first time Bernard has been to an event like this. He seemed to really enjoy the interaction with other men and leaders from around the country. He was excited to talk to Casey about brining the teaching of this workshop back to Ambrym and working through it with interested members of the community. We don't know if Bernard is a believer in Christ yet, though he is an active member and leader in the Catholic community of Olal. Please pray for him as we seek to build a deeper relationship with him.

  • For the Lord to help each of us to discern what is best each day so as to live pure and blameless lives, filled with love for the praise and glory of God. (Philippians 1:9-11)

// Please continue to pray for this in our lives. There are times that we don't feel too pure or blameless. In these times, like all times, we are deeply thankful for God's grace. Please pray that we wouldn't abuse His grace toward us but continue to submit ourselves to Him each day.

March 2016

  • Pray for God's help in transitioning our family to life in the village. We hope to move out to Olal the first week of March.

// God definitely helped our family transition to life in Olal. Julian's sleep was a little rough the first week but he was soon used to sleeping in his new environment. God also helped Beckett to come back everyday from his local Kindergarten class beaming. The Lord also helped Beckett become more comfortable and daring in speaking Bislama (local pigeon) with his new friends. The Lord helped us with learning new routines and daily tasks and chores. 

  • Pray for God's continual healing of Val's hand. It has been flaring up off and on with really debilitating sores. We think its a type of eczema that gets infected here.

// While we feel it will be an ongoing battle (unless the Lord takes it away) Val's hand has done MUCH better. It didn't get too bad at all while on Ambrym. We rejoice with you in the Lord's care. 

  • Pray for God's provision of finances to help fix up the old house we've been given to live in on Ambrym.

// We are hoping to start some repairs this July. We have received some extra, unexpected gifts that we are thankful to put toward the house repairs. We are unsure of how much the repairs will costs but we are hopeful in the Lord's provision! 

  • Pray for God's help to parent 2 young boys in a patient and loving way.

// We have felt our patience tested and sometimes stretched beyond limits. Please continue to pray for God's Holy Spirit to convict and empower us in this area. So He will be glorified in us as our sons see His goodness displayed in us.

  • Pray for God's drawing of Beckett and Julian to faith in Jesus.

// Please continue to pray for this. We can see evidence in Beckett's life that he is interested in the Scriptures and is asking many questions about God right now.

  • Pray for God's provision of close friendships for each of us in the coming months and years.

// Please continue to pray for this. We are making some new friends but things are hard with language and cultural differences. We do find great friendship in each other and our teammates will be a good source of friendship when they return in a year. 

  • Pray for God's wisdom as we navigate new relationships and culture on Ambrym.

// Not sure how wise we have been or not in navigating relationships and culture but I have felt the need for wisdom in decision making. We never know how our decisions will impact our relationships or future relationships. Please continue to pray for wisdom from the Spirit.

  • Pray for God's love and grace to arrest our devotion and consume our attention in the hustle of daily living. We don't want to be so focused on trying to "serve Jesus" that we neglect to sit at his feet in worship.

// This is still our desire! Please pray against distractions, apathy, laziness that seek to render our love cold.

  • Pray for God's holiness to be evident in our lives as we submit ourselves to him in love.

// We both need God Spirit to do this work in us. Casey has seen evidence of God's deliverance from moments of temptation but recognizes his heart is prone to wander. Please continue to pray. 

  • Pray for our marriage to flourish in new and sometimes stressful environments.

// Our time on Ambrym had testing moments but overall the Lord helped us remain close. We are looking forward to a date or two while in the capital. 

  • Pray for the people of Olal who have invited us to come live among them. For the Holy Spirit to prepare them for us and us for them. For special favor among them and an increased interest in Jesus and his word.

// It seems like we have "clicked" with a couple families and individuals who live close to us. We have seemingly been welcomed by most everyone and it seems so far that we are connecting well. Please continue to pray for increased interest in Jesus and his word.

  • Pray for our families back in the US to be comforted and drawn closer to Jesus as a result of our absence.

// We hope this is happening. 

  • Pray for our supporting local churches scattered on the East Coast to be faithful to the gospel in their communities and in the world. For protection of pastors and staff from Satan's attacks, distractions, depression or disobedience.

// We haven't heard much news from the local churches but hope to reach out to them soon to hear how things are going.

  • Praise God for our partners in ministry who sacrifice their finances, time and energy as the pray for us and fund us to represent the Gospel in Vanuatu.

// Keep thanking Him for this provision! We are truly humbled by the generosity of so many. 

  • Pray for God's provision of rain for us and the people of Vanuatu who are currently having quite the drought (and its supposed to be the rainy season!)

// God has supplied rain! Many people still don't have the infrastructure or means or motivation to fix existing infrastructures to help collect the rain water for future use.