(Updated July 2022)
The translation team to continue efforts in translating the remaining books of the NT.
The translation team is continuing to make progress on drafting, checking, and revising more portions of the NT. Please ask God to help them in these efforts!
Impact of Genesis comics.
We are currently distributing an almost word-for-word comic book of Genesis. Please ask God to use these books to encourage young and old to know their Creator in a deeper way and to see more clearly the world’s need of a Savior.
Our sons attending school this fall.
Beckett (5th grade) and Julian (3rd grade) will be starting school this fall. There will be some adjustment from homeschooling. Please pray for God to provide good friends and teachers to pour into their lives, and that they in turn, would be good and kind friends. May they be salt and light in their new environment.
Faithfulness to continue to love others and make disciples while back in the U.S.
Please ask God to help us be sensitive to the opportunities he brings our way to share about Christ with others no matter where we are. We don’t represent Jesus only in Vanuatu, but in our home culture as well—which by the way, is often harder to do than abroad!
For our family members
Casey, Valerie, Beckett, Julian and Micaiah, to be passionate and obedient disciples of Jesus.
For parents and leaders in Vanuatu
We desire to see parents and leaders in the community see the value of the clarity of the translated Scriptures. There are many pressures and routines that keep people reading from translations that are only understandable by the most educated of the community.
For wisdom and Spiritual insight.
for our teammates, Houghton Richards and Laura Thulesen as well as the local men and women they work with to translate the Bible into the Rral language.
for us as we seek to encourage people to trust and obey Jesus in their lives. We need Spiritual discernment as we engage people in conversation and seek to help them in the reading and understanding of all that Jesus taught. We need discernment as create culturally-impactful Bible resources and study materials to help people engage with the Bible in meaningful ways.
We really do value your prayers. We look forward to glorifying God with you as we watch God move together!
“...pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ...”
“Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks.”